Nicholson Bros. Motorcycles on CBC’s Heartland TV show and Graham Wardle
Nicholson Bros. Motorcycles — or more appropriately, the T-shirt — has hit the small screen.
A few posts ago I gave credit to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for including an early 1970s Norton Commando in their production of the Heartland TV show. And, to give the show some credibility in Season 4, Episode 13 the CBC used a copy of my book Prairie Dust, Motorcycles and a Typewriter. In last night’s Season 4, Episode 16, Ty Borden (actor Graham Wardle) was seen wearing a classic Nicholson Bros. Motorcycles T-shirt in white and charcoal for a couple of moments.
It’s refreshing that the CBC include actual, true-to-life details such as the story of Western Canadian motorcycle pioneers Nicholosn Bros. Motorcycles. Charcoal Nicholson Bros. Motorcycle T-shirts are available in our online store.
Thanks to the CBC for these screen shots.
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